
Sensible DriverConnect. Engage. Acquire.™

Getting all the clicks you deserve?

Generate vehicle and service leads with relevant content streaming



Question: How can you boost dealer and shop site traffic

Answer: Introducing ContentStream from Sensible Driver

Boost campaign traffic by as much as 1000%. Every click from the ContentStream email newsletter goes right to your website. Not a microsite or third party site.

You’ll see the traffic spike every time you send out a Sensible Driver email campaign.



Generate new vehicle, warranty, trade-ins and service leads.

Sensible Driver targets customers interested in your most profitable products and services. All e-mail campaigns and programs help identify hand-raisers and generate lead submissions. It’s built right into our system. Easy. Fast. Secure.

Relevant Content

Relevant Content

Need relevant content to enrich your site?

Use ContentStream and get relevant content in a snap. Vehicle news. Car care tips and more. Service articles. General interest content and more.

Home-grown content helps you boost traffic and lower bounce rate up to 40%. It’s easy. It’s integrated. And it’s seamless.