Sensible Ads

Attract new customers with pay per click

Imagine attracting new customers without ever leaving your office.

Sensible Ads is a search engine marketing program, also known as pay per click advertising. It drives customers to your business by utilizing the power of leading search engine sites such as Google and Yahoo!

Internet campaigns may be established for a fraction of the cost of traditional print, radio and television advertising. Yet, they have proven highly effective at attracting new customers. Every "click" on your on-line ad is a "warm lead."

Campaigns created with the Sensible Ads program utilize proven techniques. You may target specific customers, product categories, campaign length and budget. None of our campaigns utilize so-called "robo ads" — automated scripts that give a store name and a few lines of vanilla text. Sensible Ads are custom-designed, timely and updated to reflect changing conditions or seasons.

Sensible Ads delivers detailed tracking and analysis. You know where your advertising dollar is being spent and where it is most effective. Campaigns may be adjusted quickly in response to market conditions or business requirements.

Search engine marketing delivers new customers through Sensible Ads.

  • Drive foot traffic to your business
  • Link with Sensible Coupon Engine
  • Coordinate Google and Yahoo! campaigns
  • Promote specials, discounts and events
  • Custom ad copy, not "robo-ads"